
2011 年我們在香港開始了Lumiz品牌。 開創之初以音響產品為主, 以提供更方便更優質的產品給消費者為目標, 開發具有特色的產品。

Facing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, the idea of developing products which could enhance public health comes up. In 2020, a new series that could enhance the awareness of health, is launched. Our first product is Smart-wash Automatic Soap Dispenser.  
Keep 住個 Spirit Up

防止疫情大家每天洗手, 卻忽略了洗手時間及保持洗手液不受污染的重要性。在這兩方面LUMIZ把巧思融入產品, 並申請了專利, 讓大家正確重新認識如何才可以洗手防疫。LUMIZ將繼續努力, 帶來更多保衛健康的產品。


which has experience of manufacturing Electronics products for many year, is located at Baoan, Shenzhen, China. We have been working with international brands to produce high quality products and have got license to produce Disney products. Diversifying type of products to contribute to healthy life is one of the new aspects we have developed recently, e.g Air purifier, automatic soap dispenser & etc.